(Chung-Ang University, South Korea)
Chansik Park is a professor at the School of Architecture and Building Science and a former Dean of the Graduate School of Construction Engineering of Chung-Ang University – www.cau.ac.kr in Korea since 1995. He holds a B.E and a M.E. in Architecture from CAU, a M.S. from the University of Colorado at Boulder and a Ph.D. from the University of Florida with the major of Construction Management. He is one of the founders and former president of KICEM – www.kicem.or.kr, founder of ICCEPM – www.iccepm2019.com and Vice President of Building Smart Korea – www.buildingsmart.or.kr.
His Construction Technology Innovation Laboratory at CAU – www.contil.cau.ac.kr has performed various researches under the theme of ‘Innovation in Construction Process and Management’, such as Construction Failure, Value Engineering, Visualized Construction Safety and Quality Management, Building Anatomy Modeling, and Safety Social Networking. The CONTIL lab encourages and supports all lab members to be a world-class researcher in shifting current practices and paradigm of construction project management by adopting and utilizing new emerging technologies such as AI, Blockchain, Vision Intelligence, VR/AR/BIM, Wearable devices, etc. His current research focuses on jobsite safety improvement, such as Blockchaining workers’ safety activities, Developing Safety Social Platform using linked data and BIM technology, and Deep learning based Safety Risk Detection.
Professor Park has published over 100 papers in peer-reviewed journals and conferences internationally, and has served editorial board member and reviewer of many international journals including Automation in Construction, International Journal of Project Management, Visualization in Engineering, and Journal of Civil Engineering and Management. He has been the recipient of numerous academic and professional awards and honors, including the prestigious Elsevier Atlas Award in recognition of ‘outstanding achievement and significant positive contribution to society.’
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